The Asian Viewers Television Awards (AVTA) is returning for its fourth year, BizAsiaLive.comcan exclusively reveal.

The UK’s only event dedicated to Asian television, is known for its high-end production value, giving platform to the best talent being broadcast on Asian television in the UK. The event helmed by media legend, Rajan Singh, will take place in December.

This year’s event takes place later than previously due to the changes in the UK Asian TV market recently, which saw major Asian TV broadcasters join the Sky Original Pack. AVTA 2017 is more important than ever before, with viewers being given access to more choice. The date and location for AVTA 2017 will be announced exclusively on this week. will officially partner up for the event for the fourth consecutive event.

Rajan Singh, Founder of the Asian Viewers Television Awards said, “This year’s event takes a new twist with more channels being on a level playing field, as well as how the shortlisting will take place. It really will be very interesting how the changes will effect the outcome of the awards.”

Raj Baddhan, Co-Founder of said, “We are thrilled to be partnering up with AVTA 2017, the biggest event to celebrate UK Asian TV. lives and breathes television and thus it makes perfect sense to be tying up with this prestigious black-tie event.”

Details of host and stars attending this year’s event are yet to be announced. Keep it with for exclusive updates.